*R. Kelly’s ex-wife, Andrea Kelly, says the singer’s supporters have been harassing her online since she came forward with allegations of abuse.
“To the ones that come on my page to spew venom and #victimshame, you are by far the biggest supporter of my abuser. By you shaming me and any other victims you’re helping the abuser accomplish their task of belittling, intimidating, and discounting all the abuse they’ve put the #victim and #victims through! PERIOD! No two ways about it,” she wrote on Instagram… check it out below.
“I almost allowed you and your hate to overshadow all the LOVE AND SUPPORT I RECEIVE. But you WILL NOT stop me from saving lives and giving hope to those who are where I was. I AM A VOICE FOR THE VOICELESS! I am a #SURVIVOR OF SEXUAL ABUSE *EMOTIONAL ABUSE* PHYSICAL ABUSE *ECONOMIC ABUSE at the hands of my EX husband. For years I was fearful to come forward with my FULL truth.”
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Kelly was married to the singer from 1996 to 2009 and is the mother of his three children. Last month, she opened up on TV One’s “Sister Circle” about the cycle of abuse and an online quiz about domestic violence that finally opened her eyes.
But since coming forward, she said folks have accused of her lying because she never talked about the abuse until recently.
“You trolls pass judgment and say that I never spoke of it before now but clearly you have not been following me or my journey if you look on my Instagram you see where I HAVE POSTED several times about being a survivor of domestic violence,” Kelly wrote on Instagram.
“Just because your curiosity wasn’t satisfied DOESN’T MEAN my HORROR WASN’T REAL….like for real F–K YOU AND HIM! To my #SURVIVORS I LOVE YOU ALL AND WE GOT THIS! To the ones still in it YOU ARE NOT ALONE! You will get away I DID.”
R. Kelly has been accused of running an abusive sex cult. Another former partner claimed he intentionally infected her with an STD. He has denied all allegations.