*A group of four or five teens ages 14-16, high on marijuana, stood at a Florida lake and mocked a man screaming for help before he finally drowned. There they stood, all of them laughing, as one of them videotaped the scene on a cellphone.
We hear different voices. One asks, “He got in the water?”
Another responds: “Yeah he just got in.”
Then they start taunting him, all of them laughing as they scream, “Git out the water you gon’ die! “You’re a junkie!” “I see a gator coming towards you!”
The video is disturbing as hell. The thought that human beings can have such low value for life; that they would just stand there and not only watch someone suffer, but laugh as it happens. I’m not even going to blame their response on the fact that they were high from marijuana because weed doesn’t make someone behave this way.
People are who they are.
More at EURThisNthat.