*The Huffington Post recently ran a story outlining the six reasons to spend more time naked. “No matter your age, marital status, or gender,” they wrote, “it’s still a good idea to spend more time naked.”
Amen to that, I said, and plowed into that article.
However, although they wrote that gender wasn’t an issue, it became clear really quickly that the article was very heavily focused on women, and I felt very strongly that we can’t leave the guys out of this! So, in the spirit of community service, I’ll give you their reasons for being naked more, and give you the male “take” — or at least the straight / bi male take — on each reason.
- To Become More Comfortable With Your Body
HuffPost writes “Many women struggle with body image issues especially after having children.” (I TOLD you the piece focused on women!) They go on to say that getting comfy with your naked body, and just looking at it more will help ladies build self-esteem.
This is true for guys, too, and men like women who are more comfortable with their bodies.
2. To Encourage Breastfeeding
Although some of us look like we could, most men don’t breastfeed. This one is clearly aimed at women — and a subset of them at that, since some women opt to never have children and thus would never breastfeed. HuffPost writes that letting your breasts air-dry after nursing a baby can help cracked nipples heal.
We men will take their word for it. Most of us don’t want to even think about you with cracked nipples, so please take care of that, will ya?
3. To Encourage Intimacy
Now we’re getting down to business!
HuffPost writes “If you’re partnered or married, spending more time in the buff can naturally encourage more intimacy. While there may be something to be said for keeping an air of mystery in the bedroom, there’s also something to be said for snuggling under the covers skin-to-skin.”
Amen. The guys are all for that!
Read more at EURThisNthat.