*Orthodox Jewish people have chosen to separate themselves from the rest of society in varying degrees. Dr. Umar Johnson is a man that wants the same for the black community. I often ask God why do black people show so much ethnic self-hatred towards one another?
The Black community will turn `on you on a dime if you do not fit the current trend of agenda. The media enjoys watching the Black community at war with one another; these are slave trade tactics. We can never have a difference when it comes to political parties, sexual lifestyles or how we should persevere the role of our personal choices when it comes to the Black Family lifestyle.
On Dec. 21, Pan-African psychologist, Author, and public speaker Dr. Umar Johnson was reportedly called to stand trial before the Pennsylvania State Board of Psychology. There are concerns about his credentials as a psychologist. And his efforts to fund his Black institutions into the Frederick Douglass and Marcus Garvey RBG International Leadership Academy for Black Boys, a private K-12 academy for Black males in school. There is a lot of myths surrounding the utopia of the orthodox black Family according to Dr. Johnson. He is an unapologetically black man. This one man alone has started a more in-depth conversation about the failed nation of Black American Families. What is a real Black man? Is he straight or gay? Why are black mothers and fathers abandoning families today?
Why have Black church leaders not helped rebuild the black community with jobs and businesses? When will the Police stop using Black people as target practice? Dr. Umar Johnson’s answer will shock you.
Despite these differences he has with today’s Black community, he and his unorthodox black followers believe one would function well in today’s modern society with his methods. He understands the economic picture for Black American Families are far worse than those statistics indicate. The unemployment rate only measures people who are both living at home and actively looking for a job. Over the past 40 years, the prison population has quintupled. As a consequence of disparities in arrests and sentencing, this eruption has disproportionately affected black communities. Black boys to men are imprisoned at six times the rate of white men. The LGBTQA, White Supremacist, and BLM have heavily attacked and criticized his ideology views to the answer of the black family.

For example in the customs and practices surrounding childbirth in the Orthodox Jewish Family tradition differ in several practical respects from expectations and practices within the American and Canadian health care system, yet views are respected. The black community has embraced Planned Parenthood who do not target Jewish Women like they do Black Women. Their Twitter account, called PP Black Community, tweeted a “scary stat” on Halloween morning: “If you’re a Black Woman in America, it’s statistically safer to have an abortion than to carry a pregnancy to term or give birth. #Scary Stats.” Johnson has spoken out about the black woman and many trending lifestyles that have divided and destroyed the Black community.
Judaism as a religion has been in existence for thousands of years. The indigenous black slave community has been here for over 400 years. We have proved to be an indestructible culture of people. The Umar method of life in the Unorthodox Black culture wants to coexist in the world the same as the Orthodox Jewish people. A culture of people who have chosen to separate themselves from the rest of society in varying degrees. The Torah and Talmud play a central role in their lives; it provides their rules for everything from daily life to how they worship. It dictates their actions, what they eat, what they wear, and how they do business. Despite these differences, Orthodox Jewish people do function well in today’s modern society. As we found in our research, many Orthodox are willing to reach out to non-Jewish people to inform and educate about their lives and culture. There is a lot of myth surrounding these people, and they seem very willing to explain and help others understand who they are.
Dr. Umar Johnson wants Black people to respect his views and address the continual hurdles of a floundering community of people.
Dr. Johnson shared a screenshot of the notice from the Department of State petitioning him to court for a hearing, Jan. 8, 2018, for undisclosed reasons. The famed psychologist, who’s claimed familial ties to freedom fighter Frederick Douglass in the past, hinted that it might have something to do with the legitimacy of his school psychology license. The fact that there are those who continue to question his legitimacy shows the problematic struggle in methods in reaching a culture of black American people who have mixed reviews about his existence dreams, and for black boys and black families over the next stages of his plan of action in 2018.
Shirley Husar is an urban conservative freelance writer and CEO of UrbanGameChangers.com, Political Activist, licensed real estate agent, Co.Founder/CEO. of Story.com.Tech start-up, 2016 Surrogate for President Donald Trump for the state of California. She is also 2016 delegate for the 27th Congressional District, consisting of Pasadena, Altadena and other cities. Residing in County of Los Angeles California.
Appointed by the 38th California Governor Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger to the position of Governor Appointee Board Member for The Geologists and The Geophysicists for the State of California Governor Appointee Board Member served for 4 years. Server as a California Republican Party Delegate, RNC Delegate for 2004 and 2017. Follower Shirley at YouTube,Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and UrbanGameChangers.com