Chimamanda Ngozi Adichi‘s fictional account, “Janelle Asked to the Bedroom,” also portrays Melania Trump as envious of her predecessor’s natural ease in the role of FLOTUS.
In Adichi’s short story, Mrs T shows Janelle a video she’s been watching on YouTube of Michelle Obama visiting a classroom. She also reveals a folder full of pictures of Obama on her laptop.
“Look at this. I always look at them for the inspiration,” she says.
Check out the full report via Newsweek:
Melania Trump is lonely and obsessed with Michelle Obama. At least in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s version of events anyway. The Nigerian author has penned a short story for the The New York Times’ style magazine, T, which paints the first lady—referred to throughout only as “Mrs T”—as the reluctant wife of the president who displays an…