*Everyone has at least one family member, friend, boss or colleague who is just impossible to buy a gift for. Either they are so tight-lipped they don’t give you any clues as to what they might want; to full of pride to say what they need; or just don’t seem to like anything you.
Still, you want to get them something.
Let’s see: there’s that datebook you bought them…the one they never used. Then there was that sweater. Well, it may not have been sexy, but you thought it was cute.
Now here we are again.
No worries. I’ve put together a list of holiday gift ideas that just might work.
First, let’s get down to the brass taxes of how to shop. We have a tendency to shop more the person than for the personality. Let’s change that first. Just because she’s mom, or he’s dad, doesn’t automatically mean to shop old. Head on over to EURThisNthat