*Don Cheadle did some explosive tweeting of his own over the weekend, setting off a firestorm after saying that President Trump once used the N-word during a golf tournament with the father of one of the actor’s friends.
“Hated him since he asked my friend’s father at a Doral pro-am if he ever ‘f—ed a n—-r…’” the Oscar-nominated actor tweeted on Sunday. “Did it for me.”
Hated him since he asked my friend’s father at a Doral pro-am if he’d ever “f*cked a nigger…” Did it for me … https://t.co/ypCNEPldH5
— Don Cheadle (@DonCheadle) March 4, 2017
Go ahead and put him there for ALL of us. And consider the kind of person who would so glibly and irreverently spout that to ttl stranger. https://t.co/PdAa6uzlhv
— Don Cheadle (@DonCheadle) March 4, 2017
The actor left it at that, offering no further details about the encounter, or the identity of his friend — or her father. This of course caused a number of followers to question his claim, with some writing off Trump’s alleged racism as more “locker room talk.”
“If I taped her father swearing to it on a stack of bibles you’d STILL say it was a lie and you know it,” Cheadle wrote about demands to substantiate his claims. “There’s no compelling ‘proof’ for U.”
The actor also roasted Trump supporters who were quick to defend the president despite his questionable record on race issues throughout his real estate career. “Aw, what’s a couple of N bombs between friends?” he asked.
Below, a sampling of Cheadle’s engagement with followers on the topic:
@DonCheadle all due respect to you: cannot believe such a thing would be said this day and age. A public figure would say this? Naive, i am
— Joel Richman (@richman_joel) March 5, 2017
He wasn’t the president then. Just a racist, misogynistic, draft dodging, “birther” conspiracist, pussy grabbing, bankruptcy machine… https://t.co/Lgz0EoOyvu
— Don Cheadle (@DonCheadle) March 5, 2017
@leeebonnie @BrandHoffa @FuMikechu @DonCheadle he’s never been accused of being a racist…unless you read about him being one as a slumlord
— Sean Sakimae (@SnapTheJapanese) March 5, 2017
Or a bunch of other stuff since then. But other than that … https://t.co/mpZGNG2luv
— Don Cheadle (@DonCheadle) March 5, 2017
Your father’s friends’ brother’s uncle?
That settles it then. https://t.co/XAgYHUeDf4— BayAreaFrau (@bayareahausfrau) March 5, 2017
No. Just my friend’s father. They were in a 4ball together. The Donald thought they were all “like minded.” Mistook their shock for disgust https://t.co/WKp2kRzS5w
— Don Cheadle (@DonCheadle) March 5, 2017
He went on to clarify, “No, no, it’s great!” and some more stuff before they just teed off in silence. https://t.co/WKp2kRzS5w
— Don Cheadle (@DonCheadle) March 5, 2017
@DonCheadle did you mention this during campaign? Not that it likely would have changed some minds but wow. That’s a punch in the gut.
— Anne with an “e” (@mrsmaris) March 4, 2017
Many already know this to be in his nature. It’s not hidden. And those who can’t see it, might never. The story would have changed little. https://t.co/MoVVaTIwgb
— Don Cheadle (@DonCheadle) March 4, 2017