*Man. Its not like we haven’t been tempted, but c’mon. No one likes getting a traffic ticket, but to actually walk up behind a ticket agent and cold-cock him for doing his job. Dang.
Cops are sho’ ’nuff looking for the dude who had this kind of audacity and they are asking for your help so take a good look at his photo.
A video released by police on Thursday shows this guy walking down the street talking on his cellphone. Just as he reaches the corner, and heads across the street, he sneaks up behind the agent and punches him. Then he runs away! It’s not even clear if dude even has a car; meaning the ticket being written had absolutely nothing to do with him.
He just felt like hitting someone that day. I can practically hear him bragging about it to whoever he was talking to on the phone.
The victim, said to be 50-years-old, fell to the ground unconscious. According to the New York Post, the incident happened at Heberton St. and Post Ave. in Port Richmond, Staten Island, around 3 p.m. Wednesday.
Watch the video at EURThisNthat.