*Daivon Reeder, a college student from Detroit, Michigan, decided to celebrate his impending graduation by calling out his stepfather on Twitter for doubting that he would ever get his degree.
Welp, the young man will walk across the stage of Eastern Michigan University this week to receive his degree in criminal justice and military science. In a tweet that has since gone viral, Reeder has some choice words for his hater stepdad.
“My step dad told me it was pointless to go to orientation, I wasn’t going to graduate…..4 years later he in jail & I’m well….” wrote Reeder, along with a photo of him wearing his graduation outfit and a smile. The tweet has since been shared over 114,000 times.
My step dad told me it was pointless to go to orientation, I wasn’t going to graduate…..4 years later he in jail & I’m well…. ??? pic.twitter.com/bLftj8BXni
— KING KIDD ? (@_justcallmekidd) April 20, 2017
Asked about the overwhelming response to his tweet, Reeder told Buzzfeed he thinks his story is universal.
“I really do appreciate all the support. It makes these last few years worth everything,” he said. “I’m just a first generation college kid from Detroit trying to beat the odds. I guess people can relate to a humble beginning.”
Twitter found lots of interesting, gif’tastic ways to stand up and applaud this young man:
@_justcallmekidd pic.twitter.com/CZdIlCOBox
— Ashley Simmons (@JerseyGirl1216) April 20, 2017
@_justcallmekidd @meechonmars pic.twitter.com/KgG4VcsllV
— Samantha Jane (@sammyjane8342) April 20, 2017
@_justcallmekidd A TESTIMONY. Congratulations?? ✨ pic.twitter.com/QsXggdti2s
— GEM. (@ROZtheCreator) April 20, 2017
@_justcallmekidd congratulations and fuck that nigga
— Fem B. Wells (@FeministaJones) April 20, 2017
@_justcallmekidd yaaas pic.twitter.com/cKhYYKesYr
— B I C T H (@_yimika__) April 20, 2017
@_justcallmekidd Congratulations! pic.twitter.com/6hkqpbtVWS
— Alternative Obesity (@shizbgby) April 20, 2017
@_justcallmekidd pic.twitter.com/jeEtAr9vaW
— @dmiddy7♈✈✌ (@dmiddy7) April 20, 2017
@_justcallmekidd @ARoss02 Congratulations!!!! pic.twitter.com/tAeBdfZsIX
— April Sugar Magnolia (@AprilDeming) April 20, 2017
@_justcallmekidd pic.twitter.com/IRkn3tj7ps
— Crissy Said That (@crissy305) April 20, 2017
@_justcallmekidd @GracaOfDeus Yaaasss ✊? You done did it! #BlackExcellence pic.twitter.com/hiit61nUDN
— S H A Y (@shay_shazzy) April 20, 2017