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I pity all of you n*ggas. I really, really, really do.
You root for the wrong people.
-You adore Bill Clinton (even though in 1994 he authorized a law – three strikes – that has over time, put thousands upon thousands of black men in prison).
-You voted for his wife, Hillary (even though she supported Bill’s decision to implement the law, and she also routinely uses black celebrities as pawns during her rallies and campaigns to convince the masses that she’s not a closed-door racist).
-You n*ggas still can’t get enough of Barack Obama (even though he won’t be giving you a penny of his $60 million dollar advance from the book deal he and his wife recently secured. Yes, they’re now part of America’s plutocracy – they won’t be able to see a speck of Black from their ivory tower).
-You rallied around Bernie Sanders during last year’s democratic election (even though he’s a rich Jew who secretly doesn’t give a rat’s ass about the so-called “black struggle”).
For years, Black people have been conned into supporting slick-talking politicians disguised as public servants (ahem, Jesse Jackson). That’s why it pains me to witness how blatantly and unnecessarily cruel black people have been to Steve Harvey
Contrary to what you (the reader) may believe, Steve Harvey isn’t an Uncle Tom, nor is he “cooning for the white man.”
In fact, his critics are getting him mixed up with things that really cause harm to the black community like gun violence, sodium, crack, diabetes, illiteracy, cheap hair weaves, Tyler Perry movies, and SNAP (food stamps).
Nevertheless, you all have labeled Harvey a coon because he told the press that black people ought to respect Donald Trump as America’s new president.
Is it something he said? This disturbs me.
Harvey never told you n*ggas to build a shrine in Trump’s honor. He never urged you to drop roses at Trump’s feet. He didn’t advise you all to become Republicans (even though you probably should – what the fuck has being a democrat done for you lately?)
He made a simple suggestion – support your president. What’s the big deal? Why are you calling him a coon?
Does this mean that a black person risks being excommunicated from the village if he or she promotes a thought that’s contrary to the majority’s thinking?
Am I to believe that part of being black is conforming to the beliefs and ideologies of others who share your racial background even if these viewpoints conflict with your own convictions? Are these components of N*gga Protocol?
RELATED STORY: Steve Harvey Says You Need to Respect Pres. Trump and the Presidency – What do You Say?
I’ve read tons of comments from you n*ggas trashing Steve Harvey.
Look, I don’t like his mustache either
To resolve this issue, I’ve actually considered assembling a group of niggas to help me abduct Steve Harvey and transport him to a private locale where he would be forced to grow a decent beard or goatee.
And yes, as a three-time divorcee, he probably shouldn’t be relied upon for relationship advice.
But seriously people, is he deserving of the hate speech that you savages continue to spew in his direction?
“Steve Harvey is big lipped fool.”
“Steve Harvey is house slave.”
“Steve Harvey’s in the sunken place.”
It’s getting out of hand.
And not surprisingly, ya’ll n*ggas have all hopped on the “Get Out” bandwagon, using quotes from the movie to authenticate your “blackness.”
Before the film was released, half of you niggas couldn’t even spell “Sunken Place”. Get over yourselves.
But I digress.
Steve Harvey doesn’t need me to defend him, but I’m going to anyway.
First I’ll start with the fact that despite your churlish remarks regarding his character and appearance, he’s still better at life than most of you –much better (which is why he won’t be rioting in the streets once Trump makes good on his promise to eliminate food stamps).
Let me say it again like an Asian immigrant would: “His life good, your life very, very bad.”
As he approaches his late fifties, Harvey’s career is just starting to peak in ways that few could’ve anticipated. He’s the proud voice of a nationally syndicated radio broadcast and daytime television show (his second). He’s also a beloved host of the iconic game show “Family Feud.” And prior to these exploits, Harvey was already one of history’s most successful and respected stage comics.
Trump, who recently celebrated his 70th birthday, has for more than 40 years been mentioned on every annual Forbes report of the world’s wealthiest entrepreneurs. And last November, he upped the ante and proved his doubters wrong by winning the coveted presidency in convincing fashion. This achievement will go down as one of the most improbable occurrences in the history of American politics.
So here are a few suggestions – instead of calling Steve Harvey a coon, why don’t you ask yourself why he’s doing so well and you aren’t?
Instead of poking fun at Donald Trump, consider being an adult for once and give him your respect. He’s not going anywhere, and you, the average citizen, don’t have the power to force him out — what sense does it make for you to keep fighting a battle that you’ll NEVER win?
That’s why Steve Harvey advised you dummies to get on board with Trump – it’s the most logical step toward making sure that black concerns are prioritized in the White House (since they weren’t under Obama).
You see, being an adult means staying composed when things don’t go your way. It means going with the flow even when the circumstances aren’t comfortable for you.
But alas, just as a leopard cannot change its spots, a nigga cannot change his or her inner-niggerdom (which is why Snoop Dogg, the nigga of all niggas, publicized a video of himself pretending to assassinate Trump).
This is the type of harebrained foolishness that provides white folk with ammunition to associate black males with stereotypes of violence.
Apart from being wildly successful within their respective fields, Harvey and Trump don’t share many commonalities.
However, as of recent, both men have absorbed unrelenting (and undeserving) criticism from their newly emerging African American opponents.
In other words, like clockwork, haters are still doing what they do best – “hating.”
The Black Hat is written by Southern California based Cory A. Haywood, a freelance writer and expert on Negro foolishness. Contact him via: [email protected] and/or visit his blog: corythewriter.blogspot.com, or send him a message on Twitter: @coryahaywood