*Angela Bassett is opening up about losing her mother – Betty Jane – in 2014 to heart disease caused by type 2 diabetes. The 58-year-old actress, wife, and mother to two tells Essence:
She had a very, very strong constitution so I know that if she was able to get that under control she’d be sitting beside me today. She had heart disease, high blood pressure, and complications with that. Each exacerbated the other. Sometimes just trying to grab ahold of all these different issues simultaneously was hard. Listening to your doctors and taking that advice and doing it is vital.
She continues:
In general, we know that moving, and being mindful of things that we put in our body [is important]. Whether it’s processed, or heavily laden with preservatives or sugar. In our community, we talk about having ‘a little sugar’. It sounds like a cute thing but we know it’s not. I think we should call it for what it is: diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Heart disease is the number one killer of those with type 2 diabetes.
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Is DJ Khaled gunning for L.A. Reid’s position at Epic Records?
Amid sexual harassment allegations, Reid stepped down from his position as the head of Epic Records, and according to reports, DJ Khaled is eyeing the job.
A source told PageSix, “He was petitioning to get that job. He’s like, ‘I make more happen than anyone in the game, why would I not be considered to run the label?’ ”
It seems unlikely that Khaled would quit his passion for cranking out hits for a corporate job. And even though he wants the Epic title, insiders whisper that he’s not a “running a label” type of guy.
“Khaled is a big hype machine — not a person who’s running a record label,” said a source. “My guess is [Sony Music UK CEO] Jason Iley will run either Columbia or Epic or they will take [RCA president] Tom Corson . . . and put him at Columbia or Epic.”