*Wendy Williams spoke about this Beyonce/Rachel Roy situation on her Hot Topics segment Monday, and suggested that Roy might be getting a check from the singer to play the role of her husband Jay Z’s past side piece.
As previously reported, Bey premiered her new visual album “Lemonade” on HBO, and the streets have concluded that her line “Becky with the good hair” refers to his alleged involvement with the fashion designer, who was also rumored to be the cause of Jay’s elevator beatdown by Bey’s sister Solange in 2014 – as Bey stood by and watched.
On Monday, Wendy surmised that Beyonce and Jay Z paid off Roy to take part in the drama as part of the album’s marketing plan.
“So Rachel Roy, first of all, you’re not this fighting girl,” Williams began. “Unless you’re on Jay Z and Beyoncé’s payroll, and they pay you to mix it up for I guess sales for the Lemonade.”
Watch below:
Williams also laughed about the Beyhive attacking Roy’s Wikipedia page, adding a death date as April 23, 2016 (the day “Lemonade” premiered) and writing that her body was discovered “under a lemonade stand.”
Williams also called out the Hive for mistaking Roy for celebrity chef Rachael Ray, who films her show downstairs in the same building.
“They are swarming on our neighbor, Rachael Ray,” Williams laughed. “Similar name but not the same thing. Like, leave this white lady alone!”
“Rachael is no dumbbell. She used the moment to put out a delicious recipe for lemonade,” Williams added.