*It was during my trip with a group of children to the Mega Comic bookstore “Forbidden Planet” situated in central London which prompted me to come up with this cartoon concept, using the “Ghosbusters“movie logo and replacing it with a ghostly Donald Trump and as President Obama said at the recently held DNC…”don’t boo him…VOTE!”
Americans must also accept that a woman can also be their president just as Obama was accepted as first Black president (except for the Republicans). No one is saying this, but I see why Clinton is neither preferred. When America sneezes, the rest of the world catches cold. Come November, the World will be holding its breath.
EURweb.com contributor,TAYO Fatunla is an award winning Nigerian Comic Artist, writer and illustrator and Editorial cartoonist. He is a graduate of the prestigious U.S. Art school, The Kubert School, New Jersey. His cartoons are used for educational purposes in school books, Newsletters, journals and for presentations – www.tayofatunla.com.