*”Real Housewives of Atlanta” star Kandi Burruss shared a picture of herself breastfeeding her 3-week-old son Ace Wells while getting her hair washed at the salon.
“This #breastfeeding stuff is no joke,” the reality star captioned the above picture posted to Instagram.
Burruss, 39, added, “He doesn’t care that I have a head full of shampoo. He wants to eat now! Lol! Save your negative comments… #KandiKoatedMilk.”
Meanwhile, proud papa Todd Tucker has been sharing his own pics with the baby. One shows him giving Ace a bottle.
My 2 favorite guys! @todd167 & @acewellstucker ♠️
A photo posted by Kandi Burruss (@kandiburruss) on
In a video posted to Ace’s own Instagram account, Todd samples a drop of #KandiKoatedMilk himself.
“I’m about to try some breast milk,” Tucker tells the camera as he holds up a bottle. “Ace is probably crying because he wants it, but it’s my time. Let’s see.”
He then takes a sip, smiles, and says, “It’s kinda sweet!” Watch below:
My dad @todd167 is stealing my milk!
A video posted by Ace Wells Tucker (@acewellstucker) on