*Johnny Guitar Watson, one of the music industries most beloved guitarist was silenced by a massive heart attack in Yokohama, Japan while in the middle of one of his Grammy nominated songs “Superman Lover” on May 17, 1996.
Johnny Guitar Watson
Now it’s time to celebrate his legacy after 20 years, the 1st Annual Johnny Guitar Watson Heart for Music Foundation Celebration will be held on May 17, 2016 at the Los Angeles Theatre Center, 514 S. Spring St., Los Angeles at 8 PM.
The star-studded celebration will include a host of celebrity guest and performances including; Lenny Williams, Raphael Sadiq, Chico DeBarge, Marla Gibbs, Mary Wilson, David Ritz, Vanessa Bell Calloway, Lynne Fiddmont, Howard Hewitt and YoYo as more names are added.
The Red Carpet Event Begins At 7pm and Show Time at 8pm, with a VIP Reception immediately following the event, featuring an exhibit of artifacts belonging to the late Great Johnny Guitar Watson.
Watson’s daughter, actress, writer, producer Virginia Watson said, “I decided that the time had come to take the legacy of my father and find a way to help people in his name, so The Johnny Guitar Watson Heart For Music Foundation came to be”.
Johnny Guitar Watson was A Musicians Musician, A Mentor, Teacher, Trend Setter, and Innovator In Rock & Roll, R & B, Jazz, Funk, and Rap! He Made His Mark In These Genres With Unforgettable Style And Finesse And Even In His Passing His Music Is Still Reaching The Masses Through Sample, Cover And Sync Use. With His Latest Collaboration Being With Kanye West On His New Album/Cd Waves.
The Mission Of This 501c3 Foundation Is To Raise Money To Get Musical Instruments And Musical Support From Music Industry Professionals To Inner City Youth Through After School Programs Of Lausd And Non-Profit After School Programs Like YoYo’s School Of Hip Hop.
It is the dream of the Watson children to establish this foundation in honor of their father and to give back to the community something special in the arts that can inspire and support inner city youth and help to keep real music alive!

Edna Sims
[email protected]