*Oh god. Talk about alternate universes, a claim that Hillary Clinton made when speaking of how Donald Trump views the world we live in, here’s ANOTHER great example.
I came upon a YouTube video where BBC NewsNight spoke to African novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and American Spectator Editor-in-chief, Emmett Tyrrell, a Trump supporter.
Needless to say one of the highlights of the video is Chimamanda’s calm, classy and stunning shut down of Tyrrell, after his attempt to define racism.
You’re a white man. You don’t get to define what racism is- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Then the descent into delusion began when the BBC NewsNight host asked Tyrrell a simple question.
BBC Host: “Will Donald Trump govern in the same way that he campaigned?”
Tyrrell: “No.”
Tyrell, as you will see, said that we should look at the Trump who appeared AFTER he won the electoral vote. Not the man we saw during the 18-month-campaign.
As far as I’m concerned, this video should be praised for providing a substantial peek into what eloquent articulation looks like juxtaposed to ignorance governed by emotion. I apologize, but there simply is no better way to say it. Many of us may be ignorant on one thing or another, but it becomes another thing altogether when we allow that ignorance to be manipulated by emotion. This element [emotion] overshadows any reasoning abilities which, judging from the present topic, makes conveying a viewpoint to the degree that it makes sense (whether you agree with it or not) becomes troubling at best.
BBC Host: Is there anything he said on the campaign about race that bothered you?
Tyrrell: No. In fact you people keep magnifying it. The left in America and the left in Great Britain keeps magnifying it when in fact he talked about a lot of other things and those things should get through too.
BBC Host: If you have a fifth of Hispanics voting for Trump maybe race wasn’t an issue.
Chimamanda: You know I find that argument to be very troubling. The fact that if Hispanic or any people of color votes for anybody who’s racist it means it’s not racist…Every system of oppression has people in the group of the oppressed, who has somehow contributed to that oppression. So it’s not even a valid argument to make that because Hispanics voted for him…I think that we should look at Trump for who Trump has told us and shown us that he is…Because the only way that we can judge the kind of president he will be, is based on the campaign that he ran.
Now here’s where it gets interesting, people.
This you have GOT to see at EURThisNthat.