*Amber Rose will host her Slut Walk 2 event on Oct. 1st in downtown Los Angeles. According to her press release, the “mother, philanthropist, feminist and entrepreneur” and her non-profit foundation also launched a CROWDRISE campaign at CrowdRise.com/SlutWalkLA in hopes of raising funds for amenities that will help make this year’s event even bigger than last year’s Slut Walk.
Rose’s Slut Walk aims to uplift and empower women and fight against victim blaming when they wear provocative clothing which entice men to respond as men do. Money raised from donations on CrowdRise will be used to “provide on-site services such as HIV testing, counseling, sexual awareness booths, food and merchandise vendors and a host of other services.” Most importantly, donations will support the foundation and organizations across the country that aid women who have been subject to shaming, sexual assault, and rape.
READ RELATED NEWS: WATCH Amber Rose Forgive Wiz & Kanye in Emotional ‘SlutWalk’ Talk
Pace University student Briana Browne decided to post a video exploring why Black men refuse to date Black women. In “I Would Never Date a Black Woman,” Browne’s subjects discuss why it’s insulting, hurtful, and just plain wrong that some Black men refuse to go out with Black women.
Browne, the creator of JustBTV, said she wanted to use the project to give Black women a voice.
“‘I Would Never Date a Black Girl’” was my first controversial video. I heard that statement numerous times and I wanted to give the Black females an opportunity to voice their opinion on it; wanted to get their perspective,” she explained. “In addition, I wanted Black females to see this video and not feel discouraged when they heard that statement and of course to teach Black males a little something,”
While many black women are sacrificing their wombs and risking their lives to protest and protect men who hate them, many more are starting to wake-up and take notice that this one-sided loyalty is for suckas.
Even the younger generation is feeling the sting of this anti-Black women sentiment that seems to be growing among their peers.
Check out the video above.