*Is this an act or are two white men really involved in a heated argument over the benefits of being white and gentrification.
Who knows. But New Yorker’s are accustomed to people fussing and cussing in the streets unprovoked. But in this instance two white men in downtown Brooklyn got into it after a man pushing a stroller bumped into a jogger.
There was no quick “I’m sorry’s” or “Hey man, no worries.”
The jogger, aka the one talking all the smack in the video, was all up in dude’s face, ready to fight-like, because he said the man with the stroller cussed at him for no reason. Then he went on to tell the man that the only reason white trash like him could live in the neighborhood (don’t forget, he’s white too!) is because he made it right for them to do so.
Read more and watch the video at EURThisNthat.