*Kendrick Lamar has inspired the creation of a hip-hop-steeped college scholarship from the folks at Philly-based Oogeewoogee.com. After seeing coverage of the New Jersey English teacher who developed a lesson plan based on K Dot’s latest album “To Pimp a Butterfly,” which prompted the rapper to visit the class, creators of the website were inspired to launch the Be Alright College Scholarship. Read more about it here.
*Less than three years ago Uzo Aduba was crying on the subway, about to give up acting and re-train as a lawyer. Just 45 minutes later, she got a phone call saying she was up for a job – the part of Suzanne “Crazy Eyes” Warren in Netflix’s “Orange Is The New Black.” She has since won an Emmy for the role, is currently nominated for a second one and just beat out Beyonce to play Glinda in NBC’s live staging of The Wiz. Read the full story at Deadline.com.
*Of the people using names of presidents to creep on AshleyMadison.com, more used Barack Obama’s name than Bill Clinton’s. Earlier this week, hackers released names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mails of the nearly 40 million users. The site helps married people facilitate affairs. Sixteen used names of the last three presidents or simply the word “president” in front of whitehouse.gov e-mail addresses, according to data provided by Errata Security’s Robert Graham. For his part, George W. Bush had three assumed impersonators. Vanity Fair has the full story.
Also… hundreds of U.S. government employees — including some with sensitive jobs in the White House, Congress and law enforcement agencies — used Internet connections in their federal offices to access and pay membership fees to Ashley Madison. The AP traced many of the accounts exposed by hackers back to federal workers. They included at least two assistant U.S. attorneys; an information technology administrator in the Executive Office of the President; a division chief, an investigator and a trial attorney in the Justice Department; a government hacker at the Homeland Security Department and another DHS employee who indicated he worked on a U.S. counterterrorism response team. More details here.
*Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders calls GOP candidate Donald Trump “an embarrassment for our country.” He told New York Times magazine: “I think Donald Trump’s views on immigration and his slurring of the Latino community is not something that should be going on in the year 2015.” Read full interview Q&A here.
*Conservative Iowa radio host Jan Mickelson proposed a way to deal with undocumented immigrants — reinstitute slavery. “We start using compelled labor, the people who are here illegally would therefore be owned by the state and become an asset of the state rather than a liability and we start inventing jobs for them to do.” Full story here.