*Angie Stone is singing quite a different tune nowadays.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports the Grammy-nominated singer was arrested in DeKalb County after police say she struck her 30-year-old daughter Diamond Stone with a metal stand and knocked out her front teeth.
According to Diamond Stone, the incident started Monday night when Angie Stone entered her room, demanded that she clean it up and ordered Diamond to control her children, who were running around the 53-year-old former “R&B Divas: Atlanta” star’s Rogers Lake Road home half naked.
Angie Stone stated in a DeKalb County police incident report that Diamond Stone hit her in the face with closed fists first. Diamond Stone and Blondy Chisolm, a family friend who witnessed the altercation, told police they were not sure who threw the first blow.
“Ms. Diamond Stone then went on to state that Ms. Angie Stone started (getting) in her face, telling her she needed to leave because she is tired (of) her,” police said in the report. “Ms. Diamond Stone then stated her and Ms. Angie Stone started to argue, and that’s when a physical altercation started to occur.”
Regarding her hitting her daughter with the metal stand Angie Stone told authorities she did not know she hit her daughter with the object.
“Once she realized this, she quickly put the stand down and attempted to get away from Ms. Diamond Stone,” police stated in the report. “Ms. Angie Stone then stated while she tried to get away, Ms. Diamond Stone continued to come after her as if to strike her again but stated that Ms. Blondy Chisolm came to break up the fight.”
Despite what Diamond Stone has said, the report tells a different version of what happened. The report mentions that Diamond Stone walked away after Angie Stone struck her in the face with the metal stand and called the authorities.
The Journal-Constitution mentioned that both women were taken to DeKalb County Police Department headquarters for questioning. Although Diamond Stone was released with no charges, Angie Stone is charged with domestic aggravated assault.
Stone’s arrest comes years after her last encounter with the law. The entertainer was arrested in March 2011 while driving to church after she was caught speeding and driving on a suspended license.