Thursday, May 2, 2024

Working from Home in a New and Changing World

Woman working in kitchen - unsplashphoto

*2020 has certainly started rough! A pandemic, stock market crash, millions out of work… it’s pretty frightening for most! How are you going to pay the bills? How are you going to survive? What’s next? So many scenarios, so few answers.

Even in this crazy time of people losing their incomes, there is a group of entrepreneurs, regular people, that are continuing to thrive.  These are the people that work from home and are self-employed. They control their destiny and they are still getting paid. Why? Because they built a residual business … a business that continues to pay even after the initial work is done.

What is residual income? When you work in direct sales, aka network marketing, you have customers and you also have other people in your organization also building a business. Once you have a regular customer and they continue to purchase monthly or at whatever frequency they choose… that is residual income. It keeps coming even after you made the original sale. When you have 100’s or even thousands of people in your organization that continue to purchase, your residual income can grow and grow. This opens the doors of freedom for YOU.

For example, a lady I know in her 50’s, who has been in the business for 6 years and built a good residual base, had a tragedy at the start of the year. Her husband had a stroke.  In the dead of winter. She had to drive a half hour to the hospital everyday and be by his side. It was a very frightening time but she says this:

“Because I built this residual income in my home based business, I didn’t have to worry about going to a J O B. I don’t know how anyone could deal with something like this and still have to go to work. We continued to be paid and now there’s a pandemic and we are still being paid. I wish I had known about network marketing when I was younger. Who knows how far we’d be!? But regardless, we are in a good place, and it’s all thankful to this business.”

Woman working from home (with young daughter)Depositphotos

And she is not the only one! The annual numbers show that network marketing has grown to be a $189 billion dollar annual industry!! The music industry is only 16.9 billion if that gives you some perspective! People are starting to see they need to control how they make money. There are too many uncertainties in the world. Whoever thought the entire global economy would get shut down? It’s hard to believe this is happening. Can you say Twilight Zone?

The people that took the leap into direct sales are surely happy they took the chance! It does take work but there are some amazing companies for instance, HempWorx offers an amazing turnkey “done for you” business. It’s extremely low cost to get in and you are in business within minutes.  This company operates under the umbrella of brands owned by My Daily Choice in Las Vegas.

There are many network marketing, work from home businesses to choose from. Do some research and start your own business. Most of these companies are legacy businesses, meaning you can leave your organization and residual income to your family. You could even work the business together. What an amazing way for families to help each other and remain close. After all, that’s what life is all about isn’t it? Quality time spent together.


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