*Author Patricia A. Thomas’s one-of-a-kind book, “God Reveals a Mystery!,” is receiving great acclaim in the Christian community as she answers the puzzling question about what happened to the dinosaurs, by using The Holy Bible’s scriptures and these animals’ correct name.
With a world-wide fascination of the dinosaurs, a cloud of mystery surrounds these intimidating creatures’ demise, because their true name has been obscured over time.
However, Thomas simply explains in her book that if we use these animals’ correct name, which is in The Holy Bible, the answer to what happened to them will become eye-opening. Many know that the name dinosaur (dinosauria) was coined in 1842.
The made-up name dinosaur means “terrible lizard” in Greek, but the Adam-given name, according to Genesis 2:20, that was given to them thousands of years ago, is serpents or dragons and many know them also as snakes.
Therefore, dragons are not mythical, but were instead cursed by God during the time of the Garden of Eden, according to Genesis 3:14 (NIV): So the Lord God said to the serpent, “Because you have done this, Cursed are you above all livestock and all wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life.” In other words, God’s dragons now drag on the ground.
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With unproven scientific theories such as asteroids, meteorites, and volcano eruptions explaining these animals’ demise, the truth in her book will bring all of the lies to an end.
With biblical truths that have never been written about and Dinosaur or Dragon DNA that is now available to be tested that will shatter these theories, God Reveals a Mystery! is long overdue.
The world will come to know that dragons or serpents are not extinct, but instead live among us today, in their cursed forms, and it can be scientifically proven because of God’s miraculous DNA, that He has manifested multiple times, that many said would never happen!
GOD REVEALS A MYSTERY! is available on Amazon.com.
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