*During this COVID-19 lockdown, I have been able to produce more of the award-winning 30-year-old OUR ROOTS series and update older drawings of years past.
I am planning to take OUR ROOTS to the next level. Stay tuned. Here on EURweb, you will be able to read of a Black hero or heroine from around the globe.
OUR ROOTS gives the opportunity to read, to learn and to further research information about people of African heritage whom I will be selecting at random to showcase.
There also has been an interest in reading which the lockdown has enabled many more to do and my 120 paged OUR ROOTS Black History Sketchbook compilation continues to be a good educational tool for teachers, Black history enthusiasts whilst at home with their children. Here, a great Rock musician from Ireland in Europe. Enjoy and stay safe.
TAYO Fatunla is an award-winning Nigerian Comic Artist, Editorial Cartoonist, Writer and Illustrator. He is a graduate of the prestigious Kubert School, in New Jersey, US. and recipient of the 2018 ECBACC Pioneer Lifetime Achievement Award for his illustrated OUR ROOTS creation and series – Famous people in Black History – He participated in the UNESCO’s Cartooning In Africa forum held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and the Cartooning Global Forum in Paris, France – www.tayofatunla.com – [email protected]