*Amanda Seales: It is so easy to support Black women. It is so easy, it can be done so effortlessly.
[The Real audience applauds]
Amanda: So when you see examples of someone giving their energy to be obstructive, you wonder why they would make that choice. Why is it not instilled in him to protect this woman? She protected him when he was in another adverse situation.
[The Real audience applauds]
Amanda: She put her voice out there. But – and I think I speak for a lot of sisters, I think I speak for a lot of sisters when I say it’s part of the bigger conversation of black women earnestly wanting the support from our brothers when we are speaking out and speaking up. And there really should just be a code. Because so many sisters feel like so often, we are on code and our brothers aren’t.
[The Real audience applauds]
Amanda: And I take heat all the time because there are brothers who don’t follow code and have put me in very deleterious situations and now there’s other brothers who think I’m something that I’m not because other brothers weren’t on code, but I will say this: Seeing this scenario play out in a different way because in Hollywood, black women really are not regarded, really would have been so much more uplifting. And they don’t – they don’t think about black women here. They don’t.
Loni Love: You know why, because it’s easy to disregard us, you are absolutely right. The minute we say something wrong, especially us three here? [indicates Amanda and Tamera Mowry-Housley on either side of her] As black women? If we say something wrong? I have yet to have many black men speak up for me.
Amanda: If a black man had said what you said, like, in the statement about if a Black man had stood up here and said, “A lot of black women are not able to be in faithful relationships,” I’m telling you that there would have – there wouldn’t have been an onslaught of rage against that person in the same way that there was against you. And I just – I genuinely feel that way, I think that black women are constantly put on the chopping block in a way that doesn’t need to be done and I really want to see our brothers practice “selflessness” vs. “selfishness” when it comes to protecting us.