*“Nobody Speak: Hulk Hogan, Gawker and Trials of a Free Press,” a documentary about Hulk Hogan’s lawsuit against Gawker, will hit Netflix on June 23, and the just-released trailer indicates the filmmakers are taking viewers beyond Hogan’s sex tape drama.
The Brian Knappenberger-directed project examines the lawsuit Hogan filed against Gawker for publishing less than a minute of a sex tape featuring the former WWE star using racial slurs. The case ended with Hogan winning a $100 million judgment and Gawker shutting down while its ancillary sites were sold off to Univision, per THR.
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Gawker’s preview of Hulk’s sex tape was published alongside an essay by A.J. Daulerio that mused about how “we love to watch famous people have sex.”
“After four years of litigation funded by a billionaire with a grudge going back even further, a settlement has been reached,” Gawker Media’s founder Nick Denton said in a statement following the verdict. “The saga is over.”
According to the doc’s description on YouTube, “The reporters investigating the Hulk Hogan sex tape and the sale of the Las Vegas Journal-Review found something unprecedented: billionaires covertly using their fortunes to silence the media. “Nobody Speak” explores what Peter Thiel’s financial support of the lawsuit against Gawker and Sheldon Adelson’s shadowy purchase of Nevada’s largest newspaper mean for future of journalism, the First Amendment, and the power of the ultra wealthy.”
The trailer features moments from Hogan’s trial intercut with Donald Trump vilifying the media during his presidential campaign and images of reporters being dragged from press briefings.
“Nobody Speak” hits Netflix on June 23.