*A case involving an unclaimed son belonging to Jay-Z is bringing fraud charges against the legendary rhymesayer and the New Jersey court system.
BlackNews.com is referencing activist Essie Berry as the one bringing the charges as she names 30-year-old Rymir Satterthwaite as the unclaimed son. According to Berry, Jay-Z was 23 years old when he and underaged 16-year-old Wanda Satterthwaite became parents to Rymir. Although Jay-Z refused to take a DNA test, Berry cited New Jersey law in her belief that the entertainer is still Rymir’s father. New Jersey state law states that refusal to take the test automatically makes Jay-Z Rymir’s biological father as long as he is a resident of New Jersey.
The fraud charges come into play via Berry and Rymir’s Godmother, Dr. Lillie Coley. Coley stated that Jay-Z and his lawyers committed fraud by denying he owns residential properties in New Jersey. In addition to Jay-Z, Coley alleges fraud against the New Jersey court system, claiming it has been a challenge to successfully go against the “You Don’t Know” rhymer in a legal sense, in light of the court system protecting Jay-Z from being held accountable.
“We are calling on President Joe Biden and the New Jersey Courts to make changes in our legal system to protect Black Americans’ rights,” Coley said.
In Coley’s eyes, other African American mothers have dealt with the same situation when it comes to men fathering children and then leaving the state and/or defrauding the court system to believe that they never even lived in the state of New Jersey, Black News noted.

The site reports that Berry and Coley are demanding a federal investigation on all parties involved in the state of New Jersey as well as an investigation into “a decade of Fraud, Fraud Upon Court, Collusion, Conspiracy, Concealment of Evidence, Discrimination, Retaliation, Denial of Due Process, and Sealing Records with Allegations of Fraud from 2012 to 2023.”
As it stands now, all allegations have been made to the courts in Camden County, New Jersey.
Citing cases as far back as 2012, Black News mentioned the start of “the jurisdiction fraud” in 2012, in addition to a pattern involving judges who:
- Changed Wanda from a defendant to a plaintiff to deny Rymir inheritance rights, “conducted fraud and use a fraudulent court” in 2013;
- Violated “due process towards parties by ignoring continuous fraud jurisdiction by this rich party Shawn C. Carter” from 2014 to 2022;
- “…made false statements and would not allow discovery or due process to prove allegations” in 2022; “told Dr. Coley to get the files she needed from the white man” in 2019;
- “…returned Dr. Coley’s 2021 modification petition case no. FD-04- 2874-12 with filing fee stating it was a “mileage reimbursement” which was false. After having held onto the petition for four (4) months” in 2021.
- From 2017 to 2023, Judge Glenn Grant who oversees the Civil Rights Commission Board “Blocked Civil Rights Complaints filed by Dr. Lillie Coley, Rymir, and Wanda Satterthwaite” from 2017 to 2023, naming attorneys “who committed Fraud and Fraud upon the Courts” as well as “associated law firms”
Further revelations referenced by Black News include:
- Appeal judges reviewing “orders obtained by fraud which is not allowable under law.” The site pointed out that “When an appeal is made based on a judgment obtained by fraud, the appellate court must declare the judgment void, because the appellate court may not address the merits, the site pointed out the site.
- The staff of the Appellant Court Division staff engaging in “a conspiracy by blocking appeals in 2022 stating they did not receive the appeal when it was signed for”
- An appellant court clerk who did not “return filing fees of $250 since March 2023 when no appeals were filed and the package was returned by a white case manager “illegally assigned to the case to destroy evidence.”
“This conspiracy among staff, attorneys, and judges aims to obstruct and interfere with the proper functioning of the United States government to cover the cover-up involving a celebrity, Jay Z,” Black News reported, adding that “Deputy John R. Grant of the Appellant Division ignored all complaints.”
MORE NEWS ON EURWEB: Man Claiming to Be Jay-Z’s Son Files New Supreme Court Motion in Paternity Case