*The CBS-TV Network introduced a new comedy this fall titled “Bob Heart Abishola.” The concept is a White businessman Bob (Billy Gardell) who falls for his Nigerian immigrant nurse Abishola (Folake Olowofoyek) while she cares for him in the hospital following a heart attack. The show was created and produced by Emmy Award-winning Chuck Lorre who has a list of mega-hit TV shows to his credits too long to list.
The nurse, Abishola, has a young son named Dele, whom she keeps a tight grip on his direction in life following the Nigerian tradition of child-rearing. Dele is played by 13-year-old Travis Wolfe Jr., a homegrown product of Northeast Philadelphia who spent his early childhood school years attending J.H. Moore Elementary. It begs to wonder if he will follow the same path blazed by another Philly native, Will Smith?
What was the audition process like for you in getting booked for the part? Travis Wolfe lights up …
“I’m from Philadelphia. I booked it during my first year in LA. One day my agent said you have an audition and you have to do a Nigerian accent. I said OK, that’s different, I’ve never done this before so let’s try it out. So I did the audition and ended up getting a callback. Then I found out that it was for producer Chuck Lorre. So I went in and audition and ended up booking it. I was really excited. It is my first ever series regular role. I couldn’t be happier to start it off on CBS and be produced by Chuck Lorre. It was really exciting.”
What is it like on the set? Travis Wolfe Jr. explains …
“It’s really cool. We have a little dance-off where we play some music to warm up. Everybody’s energy on the set is just electric. Everyone is so nice. Especially Billy (pays Bob), he tries to make it fun for me knowing that I’m the only kid. I have a really great time over there. Everyone’s cool.” The show is taped at Warner Bros. Studios in Burbank.
Being a child actor, will he stick with it or does he think his direction may change to doing something else? Young Mr. Wolfe states …
“Acting has been a passion of mine for a very long time since I was 7 or 8. I feel that this is my calling and I want to use it to spread positivity, give back to my community and also to show that we can do anything if you just put your mind to it.”
Rych McCain
Rych McCain Media/Syndication TM
[email protected]