*If you’re a single person who lives alone, there are several safety precautions that could prove to be vital in an emergency situation.
According to the U.S. Census, 29 percent of U.S. households are one-person homes. Per census.gov, “There were 37.9 million one-person households, 29% of all U.S. households in 2022. In 1960, single-person households represented only 13% of all households.”
“Data from the annual release of America’s Families and Living Arrangements also show that 80% of one-parent family groups were maintained by a mother,” per the report.
Compared to 1950, 34% of people ages 15 and over had never been married in 2022. According to the CDC, if you live alone, you have an increased risk of premature death by all causes.
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MadameNoire has compiled a list of 8 Emergency Safety Tips for people who live alone. Below are five of them (edited):
Wear A Medical Alert Device
No matter your age, if you live alone, you could benefit from having a medical alert device. Most packages include a pendant that you wear, along with a wall button you install in your home.
In a survey reported on Forbes, 86 percent of respondents who wear medical devices said their device has saved them at least once.
Use Smart Appliances
Smart appliances can act as your second set of eyes and ears if you live alone. Things like smart coffee makers and ovens can be set to automatically shut off at certain times, if you fail to manually do so.
Get To Know Your Neighbors
When you live alone, getting to know your neighbors is especially important. Find those you trust and exchange phone numbers so you can be in contact during an emergency. Additionally, let a neighbor you trust become familiar with your routine. That way, if they don’t see you leave for your daily morning walk or other routine activity, they will know to check on you.
Install A Security System
It’s always a good idea to invest in a security system. It’s not only an investment in your safety, but may also increase the value of a home.
Keep Emergency Numbers Visible
Besides 911, there are several emergency numbers it is important to keep visible at all times. Print them out, laminate them and post them somewhere you can easily find them.
Read the full list of safety tips HERE.