Lawsuit Alleging Kenya Barris Stole ‘Black-ish’ Idea Moves Forward; Netflix Deal on Horizon?
[videowaywire video_id=”1231F510609A95A5″] *A lawsuit accusing “Black-ish” creator Kenya Barris of stealing the show idea from his former writing partner appears headed to trial, after a judge on Thursday refused to toss it out. Bryan Barber claims that he and Barris had an agreement in 2006 to develop a show for VH1 about a successful black […]
‘Black-ish’ Creator Kenya Barris Sued For $1M For Stealing Show Idea
*”Black-ish” creator Kenya Barris has been hit with a more than $1M lawsuit by music video director and “Idlewild” helmer Bryan Barber, who claims Kenya ripped off the idea for the hit ABC comedy, reports. Barber believes Kenya is in breach of contract and accuses him committing fraud in his jury-seeking complaint (read it […]