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The Journal Of Steffanie Rivers: The Coronavirus and the Uninsured

At last count at least 500 Americans across thirty states are known to have contracted the coronavirus. The first cases were reported on the west coast. In less than a month it has made it’s way to the east coast. The Center For Disease Control said 1,500 people have been tested, 19 have died from […]

The Socialist’s Journal: Gun Violence Solutions

  *It is a feature of human nature to overemphasize things that personally touch us. Your dog dying is sad but my dog dying is a tragedy. But although I have never experienced gun violence personally, and we have had a nice run recently of no major incidents (knock on wood), I will offer my […]

The Socialist’s Journal: Six Reasons Why Football is Doomed

*I have seen the future of professional football in this country. And that future is as a niche sport behind basketball, soccer, and baseball. The NFL is currently the most profitable league in the United States. Professional football franchises are worth more than any other franchise in North America. And it would seem that despite […]