Megafest Report/Dr. Alex Ellis’ Tied to Greatness Organization Ushers Boys into Manhood
*Dr. Alex Ellis stands out in a crowd – not just because he is 6’5” tall. Dressed as if he’s on the way to close a business deal, when people see him suited and booted, dressed to the 9s or what old-school people call ‘casket sharp,’ they know he’s on a mission. He’s a man […]
Flipping the Script: Black Craftswomen in Hollywood Take Control of Their Own Image
“You may write me down in history with your bitter, twisted lies, you may tread me in the very dirt, but still, like dust, I’ll rise.” —Maya Angelou *The unsavory depictions of Black women that Hollywood has forcefully imposed on the viewing public for nearly a century are slowly but surely being phased out of […]