Is the Worst Over for Bitcoin and the Rest of Crypto? | WATCH


*(CNN) — The meltdown of FTX has sent the price of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies tumbling more than 60% this year…and the carnage has spread to publicly traded companies with exposure to digital assets. Shares of Coinbase, Square-owner Block, top bitcoin miners Hive and Riot, crypto bank Silvergate and software firm MicroStrategy, led by crypto […]

Most Popular Songs That NEVER Won a Grammy – You’ll be Surprised

Chubby Checker - Getty

Most popular songs that never won a Grammy According to the Recording Academy, Grammys are awarded to honor excellence in the recording arts and sciences. The award, which is voted on by a body of artists and technical professionals in the recording industry, recognizes the best of the best, making it the most prestigious award […]

US Military Shoots Down Chinese Spy Balloon Off US East Coast | VIDEO

Chinese Balloon (Larry Mayer-The Billings Gazette-AP)

*(CNN) — The US military has shot down the suspected Chinese surveillance balloon over the Atlantic Ocean off the Eastern Seaboard of the United States, a US official said Saturday. The spy balloon was first spotted in the sky over Montana earlier this week and traveled across the middle of the country following weather patterns […]

6th Cop in Tyre Nichols Beating FIRED – Sexy Video Flashback: Tyra Banks & A Young Bow Wow Swappin’ Spit – Quavo to Salute Takeoff + More | LOOK!

Bow Wow and Tyra Banks - Getty

*A sixth Memphis officer was fired following an internal police investigation that showed he violated multiple department policies in the violent arrest of Tyre Nichols, including rules surrounding the deployment of a stun gun. As was previously reported, Preston Hemphill had been suspended as he was investigated for his role in the Jan. 7 arrest […]

Why is Steph Curry Protesting Against Low-Income Housing? | VIDEO

Steph Curry - Getty

*As the Biden administration starts implementing its plan to build low-income housing in the suburbs, middle-class and wealthy are somewhat rattled by the idea of sharing a neighborhood with low-income people targeted by the housing plan. Among those uncomfortable with having low-income housing in their backyard are NBA star Steph Curry, 34, and his wife, Ayesha, 33. […]

Ben Crump to Sue Governor Ron Desantis for Rejecting AP African American Studies | VIDEO

Ben Crump - Ron DeSantis - Getty

*Governor Ron DeSantis is against the Advance Placement African American course in Florida high schools. His administration, through Florida’s Department of Education Office of Articulation, rejected the course. But civil rights attorney Ben Crump is not taking it lying low. Crump held a news conference at the Florida Capitol, flanked by leaders from the American […]

‘It’s Tone Deaf’: Finney on Black History Month Police Cruisers | WATCH

Miami Police Dept - Black History Month Polce Cruisers

*Two police departments, one in Miami and another in Columbus, Ohio, are facing criticism after unveiling police cruisers wrapped in Black History Month artwork. CNN political commentator Karen Finney and Former Head of Intelligence at DC Homeland Security Department Donell Harvin join Laura Coates to discuss.