*Passionate UK Storytellers as authors Sandra and Sade in their own right – Sandra Agard and Sade Fadipe are United Kingdom authors in their own right. Whilst Sade is on her second published book, Sandra Agard poet, writer, singer, storyteller kept everyone waiting for years to have her first, published.
Her short stories have been published in other books but this solely is her first non-fiction. Sandra brings history to life through performances about historical figures such as Mary Seacole, Langston Hughes, Maya Angelou, Martin Luther King Jr. and Harriet Tubman.
Well, her book is about freedom fighter, Harriet Tubman. How did Harriet Tubman help hundreds of enslaved people reach freedom? Harriet who was born into slavery on a Maryland plantation had a life full of hardship. In 1849, she made the brave decision to run away, journeying north on the Underground Railroad. She returned to the South more often, leading many others to safety.
Sandra’s story about this amazing abolitionist and how she overcame every obstacle in the fight for freedom is a must-read and ideal for all. Sandra has been touring the UK promoting the book with an audience with her giving an insight into writing about this great heroine at Prince of Peckham in Southeast London. Very well attended. The biography of this American abolitionist and political activist Harriet Tubman is packed with little-known trivia, fascinating facts and illustrations. The book is part of Trailblazers, a biography series for children that celebrates the lives of amazing pioneers, past and present, from all over the world. It seconds as a study guide as well.

Sade Fadipe chose the title SNOWY JOY as the basis of Adanah’s wish list to throw, roll and play games in the snow. So, when she gets whisked away for her very first snow-holiday ever, she is thrilled. She leaves the world she loved behind, the fictitious African nation Khindamah, to go on a holiday of her dreams….her destination, snowy St Albans in the West. It’s Adanah’s first chance of a snowy holiday and as any 10yr old, she can barely contain her excitement. Yet a stormy journey hints on the dangers ahead, threatening to ruin her dream adventure.
Sade is a school teacher and has taught in primary schools in Nigeria and England. From 2006-2010, Sade worked in Abuja, Nigeria, on a reading initiative for Nigerian public primary schools. She trained teachers on the use of fiction books and helped create class-based reading corners, to enhance early reading. Sade is author of A Fun ABC and titled in the US as A Visit to Grandad: An African ABC and she debuted her second book SNOWY JOY for her older fans at V&A Museum of Childhood, East London. Cover illustration was produced by artist TAYO Fatunla and book contents made up of 37 illustrations by Shedrach Ayalomeh.
Not far from reality, SNOWY JOY is a fun book for children which every parent will enjoy reading to their children. As it takes you on an adventurous plane journey from Khindamah, land of the broken toys, with grandma and Adanah to a magical Christmas in St Albans full of snow.
TRAILBLAZERS: Harriet Tubman by Sandra Agard – Publisher: Stripes Publishing Format: Paperback ISBN: 9781788952224
SNOWY JOY by SADE FADIPE – ISBN13 9781916259508 – Available on Amazon and other good Online Stores –

TAYO Fatunla is an award-winning Nigerian Comic Artist, Editorial Cartoonist, Writer and Illustrator. He is a graduate of the prestigious Kubert School, in New Jersey, US. and recipient of the 2018 ECBACC Pioneer Lifetime Achievement Award for his illustrated OUR ROOTS creation and series – Famous people in Black History – He participated in the UNESCO’s Cartooning In Africa forum held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and the Cartooning Global Forum in Paris, France.