NeNe Leakes Questions If Gregg’s Cancer Is ‘Payback’ for Cheating On Her [WATCH]

*NeNe Leakes opened up about being her husband’s caretaker as he battles stage 3 colon cancer. In a new video titled “Nene Leakes: My Thoughts and Opinions…Ladies Night Comedy Tour!” — which she posted Sunday on her Life of Nene YouTube account, Leakes questioned if Gregg’s illness is “payback” for all the times he cheated […]

Trump wasn’t Exactly Lying When He Said White Nationalists aren’t a Threat

*Trump is a serial liar about nearly everything under the sun. But he wasn’t exactly lying when he said that white nationalism is not a threat, and just involves a small group of people. A few months before he made this seemingly ridiculous quip about the supposed paucity of white nationalist violence worldwide, the New […]