Ouch! Chaka Khan’s Rose Parade Performance Didn’t Go Over Very Well

*Unfortunately Chaka Khan‘s less than steller performance at the start of the Rose Parade on New Years Day left a lot of her fans feeling a certain kind of way. Hint: It ain’t good. If you missed it, Chaka, who pulled double duty as the parade’s Grand Marshall and a performer with a rendition of her […]

Nigeria’s Many Mega-Millionaire ‘Prosperity’ Preachers – VIDEO

*You’d think that a pastor’s life would entail living the quiet life which is devoid of all lavish possessions. All they’d do is spread the word of the Bible and hold sermons for those who would love to hear the Word of God. In Nigeria, however, pastors may be doing all of the above – […]

African American Credit Doctor (Juan Anderson) Releases Quick Lectures

*Nationwide — Have you ever considered the phrase “Good credit health is the gateway to building wealth?” If you haven’t, you should. In order to truly maximize success in life, one must dig deep when it comes to personal credit health & finance. Credit repair isn’t just about credit report clean up. “Bad credit doesn’t […]