*R. Kelly’s ex-wife, Andrea Kelly, has been noticeably absent from the conversation about allegations of abuse around him and the young girls he’s reportedly holding hostage in a sex cult.
Andrea was married to Kelly from 1996 to 2009 and they have three children together. Accusations of his predatory behavior have followed the singer since his 1994 marriage to Aaliyah (at the time she was 15 and he was 27). Many have wondered whether Andrea knew her husband was molesting children, or whether she was complicit in his behavior.
Well now she’s speaking out and claiming that she, too, was abused by R. Kelly.
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During an appearance on TV One’s Sister Circle (06-13-18), Andrea recalled the moment she took a questionnaire on a Domestic Violence website and asked God for answers about whether she should leave her ex.
“God, I need an answer today, not tomorrow, not in an hour, I need it now and the first thing God told me, He said, ‘grab your laptop’ …and once I grabbed the laptop He said, ‘put in domestic violence.’ And I’m thinking to myself, I’m not that girl. I’m not the teeth missing, I’m not the broken bone girl…I kept scrolling and at the end of the domestic violence awareness website there was a questionnaire. There were 17 questions and they ask you has your abuser ever done…of the 17 Robert had done 15 to me.”
Show co-host Syleena Johnson asked Andrea why she chose to speak out about her experience now.
“You have to love somebody enough to tell them enough and I don’t believe that my ex-husband has enough people in his life to be real with him, to be honest with him, who care about his healing, who care about the healing of these families and I feel like it’s God’s time. I was not strong enough. How can I be a voice for the voiceless when I don’t even have my own? How can I be powerful for the powerless when I don’t even have my own. So I had to wait until God said, ‘okay daughter, it is time.’”
In the clip below, Andrea speaks to the parents of Joycelyn Savage, who allege that their daughter is being held against her will by R.Kelly.


In the clip above, YouTuber Larry Nelson, who has “mixed emotions” about Andrea, wonders “Where did you come from?” because during the height of R. Kelly’s career, Andrea “was never was on the scene.” She just seemed to “pop up” with all sorts of “tell-all” deals.
YouTube user Vala Dina agrees with Nelson’s observation, writing: “Great question, where was she all these years when he was doing his foolishness with these YOUNG girls, was she the trainer that the young lady spoke about today on the real, so many questions. I stumbled across your Channel from watching well rewatching the interview done today on The (real) and I thought about the same thing, so many unanswered questions especially the fact that she was his wife for so many years so my question is does she know about this all alone and just sat by watching or did she partake in it or was she one of his victims IDK”
User Frederick Henderson also noted: “Look, man, this guy is a pedophile period the evidence isn’t compelling and beyond circumstantial. Usually, the wives of these peeps are either in the darker are so scared or (embarrassed) that they don’t talk. You should really research the psyche of pedophiles and (pedophilia) before saying anything about THe Ex wife OR why this or why that. What she should do is with an attorney talk with the FBI sex crimes unit. IBWAS a fan of this creep but as soon as I can figure out how to expunge his music off my YouTube music I will delete his loving young girl finger up his ass.”