*We knew there was a strong possibility of this situation going left as soon as we saw the one dude rubbing some kind of sunscreen something on the super fine, big booty Brazilian model wearing a thong bikini.
Her name is Rayssa Teixeira Melo and she is a Brazilian fitness model and showed she had no problem showing she can handle her own when put in an awkward position.
During a recent television show, Rayssa was “handled” by the male host during a bikini modelling segment. She quickly slapped the dude in the face.
Like we said, when dude started rubbing on her we started anticipating that something awkward was going to happen and it did not too long after he got around to that ample backside of hers.
The bottom line is that when Miss Melo told dude to keep his hands off her booty during the gratuitous sunscreen demonstration, he presumably thought she was joking and somehow thought she really meant “yes.”
As we know, a lot of men have made that mistake and learned the hard way. Here we have another one getting slapped, rejected and humiliated for all the world to see.

So you can imagine his confusion when, after doing precisely what he was instructed not to do, he got a massive slap round the face and had bottles of sunblock launched at him live on television.
You would think that after all that Even after all that, knucklehead would have gotten the message, but noooo, it required a producer to walk onset and actually, verbally, explain to him where the leg ends and the bottom begins.
The model has won praise online for her response to creepy guy’s super active hands, which happened during a supposed health segment of a Brazilian TV show.
But further proving her class, Melo herself has made no mention of it on her Facebook or Instagram pages, where she commands a large following.
Watch it go down above.
source: Mirror