*Covering weeks three and four of Black History Month celebration in the UK, I find the need to firstly appreciate EURWEB.COM and its proprietor Mr Lee Bailey who has been supportive of OUR ROOTS the educational feature drawings which have been showcased on this site through the years.
Knowledge brings power,understanding and appreciation of the contributions of Black people in the diaspora to history. The more knowledgeable we are, the less ignorant we are. An African proverb states that …..”Not to know is bad; not to desire to know is worse.”
You may not be aware of African Nobel peace prize winners or that there were Black people in Nazi Germany. OUR ROOTS will make you to desire to know and be properly informed.

“Our Roots” is an Illustrated educational and informative Comic art by TAYO Fatunla that documents various stages in the history of the black race featuring black achievers in the US, the UK, in Europe and in Africa and around the world.